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Action Rating: 1 Arrow

Empowerment Rating: 5 Crowns

Visibility Rating: 5 Stars

Roar on down the road with Milica Virag in her rolling office on wheels with its 10,000 lb chains and window views; and see what driving a Big Rig, is all about - from tricky moments of loose chains and shifting loads - to happy splurges at Trucker Mecca, Walmart.

Watch this film either singly, or in the “Woman in a Man’s World” block, which contains the following films: Mercy, Queen of the Road, The Monkey and Her Driver

Director: Laura Valtorta
Type of Film: Short
Price: $3.99 - shorts block; $1.99 - single short (48 hour rental)
HD Streaming – shorts block:
HD Streaming – single short:
Release Year: 2017
Series Info:
Country of Origin: USA
Genres: Biography Documentary Drama
DVD: Not Available
Cast: Milica Virag